
Hello, welcome to Tenth Magic Press.

Now, Tenth Magic Press is an African Fiction self-publishing service company, which offers to self-published, or would-be self-published, authors the following services:

  • Line and Copy Editing
  • Proofreading
  • Book Cover design

And if the author wishes, we can help them publish their book on a number of platforms like: Okadabooks, Amazon, Kobo, and the Tenth Magic Press e-bookstore.

On occasions, we assist writers in building their story.

Well, that is Tenth Magic Press for now. If you would like to get in touch with us for inquiries concerning any of our services, you can use our Contact form or send a direct mail to: admin@tenthmagicpress.com.

Thank you, and hope you stopover at our bookstore for amazing ebooks at great prices.